Executive Search
How a company develops depends not only on economic factors, but above all on the spirit of the management level. A manager is not a position, but a personality.
A future-proof company also needs future-oriented people to run it. These can not only be assessed on the basis of their success or CV. Successful managers advance a company primarily by creating and developing values for it that are trend-setting and sustainable. We find the leadership personality for our clients who gives their project or company a new impulse, sets it apart from the competition and gives it a leading position in the market.
Bringing The Best Together
Thanks to many years of experience and industry knowledge, we have an overview of the management level throughout Germany and beyond national borders. We monitor and evaluate every development in the top management and have access to a constantly growing database with strong and development-oriented managers. The special culture of our collaboration starts with research and continues through every project-specific step to a successful conclusion – and far beyond. Because every company and every career we accompany is a requirement for us to bring the best together. Whoever turns to us not only becomes expertise for us, but also reflects the success of our company.
When working together, we pay greater attention to ensuring that personal advice is ensured in every phase. Our company philosophy follows traditional values: Different phases of a project are not accompanied by different employees of our group. We know that the sensitive questions of a change of management or position require maximum discretion and security for our clients and partners. In a ONE-TO-ONE relationship, we offer emphatic skills in assessing the various requirements, evaluating the motivational situation and critically evaluating options for our clients. Because, in addition to expertise and experience, trust and security are the most important prerequisites for successful, long-term relationships based on partnership.
Assess Leadership
The success of a new appointment is only partially a question of the previous career or the expertise that a candidate has. Personal strengths, the nature, the values and the personal background of the person have to be taken into account. A sensitive analysis in all directions of the consulting requirement, the company itself and the personality sought requires experience, knowledge of human nature and intensive discussions. Which special spirit lives in the company and which would be good for it? Who is the person behind the leader who comes into question? Because our claim to advice is based on the conviction that companies and leaders enter into a partnership that can only be fruitful and sustainable if it works in depth.
Successful Closure
Once the right candidate has been found, we offer careful support on both sides during the contract negotiations. At the wrong time, ideas about contractual terms that are expressed can damage or even suffocate a promising collaboration. In the final phase in particular, we make sure to moderate sensitively until the first working day and to be in constant contact with both sides. In order for our order to remain the intersection of the interests of our client and his preferred candidate, we generally charge our services in the fixed fee. Because our corporate philosophy guarantees neutrality and a focus on solutions right through to completion – and beyond.
Success Concept Network
Our own claim that our success consists in the success of the cooperation that we initiate shapes our understanding of not fulfilling individual orders, but looking for long-term cooperation. This guarantees our clients maximum engagement with every mandate. Every order that we successfully complete is not an end for us, but a beginning – not just that of a new career section or a changed course of the company, but our very own. Because regular contact with our clients and the mediated candidates is personal responsibility on the one hand, and at the same time an important tool for the understanding of the industry, which is subject to new influences.
Executive Coaching
Once you get to the top, the air gets thin.
When people are in leadership positions, they are often surrounded by competing or aspiring colleagues who are pursuing their own goals. Honest feedback may not be enough, as you may be seen as part of the problem. Times also change. Digitalisation, social change and a new generation of employees with less traditional values bring new challenges, including in the design of work processes and organisations, as well as in the corporate culture and the managers associated with it.
Our coaching sessions always take place at eye level. We work with you to develop an individually tailored coaching concept to give you the necessary tools to meet the challenges of tomorrow.
Together with you, we work out goals so that you can use your potential in an ideal way, recognize optimization possibilities and implement strategic changes of direction. With optimal measures, methods and techniques, we help you to make your leadership patterns sustainable.
Our conversation is value-based. Confidentiality, responsibility, tolerance, dignity and freedom are our basis. This is how we show our „Passion for Excellence“.
Board Advisory
Strategic support for the composition of supervisory and advisory boards.
The Supervisory Board has the task of monitoring the implementation of the strategy of long-term value creation by the Management Board and the general day-to-day business of the company and its affiliated companies. The Supervisory Board also looks at the effectiveness of the company’s internal risk management and control systems, as well as the integrity and quality of financial reporting.
When performing its duties, the Supervisory Board takes account of corporate social responsibility issues relevant to the company and monitors the relationship between the Management Board and the shareholders. The Supervisory Board regularly discusses the strategy, the implementation of the strategy and the most important associated risks and gives the Management Board an orientation. When performing its duties, the Supervisory Board is guided by the interests of the company and its affiliated companies and takes into account the respective interests of all interest groups. Especially with the purchase, all interest groups have to be included.
The increasing demands on experience and quality and the increasing legal vulnerability of supervisory boards make it increasingly complex to fill this position. At the same time, supervisory boards are becoming increasingly important for a successful and convincing corporate culture. And the role of the supervisory board as a professional adviser for board members and managing directors is also becoming increasingly important in day-to-day business.
But the higher the requirements, the smaller the circle of those who can meet them. With our support, you gain supervisory boards, advisory boards or boards of directors with which you can secure a long-term and sustainable advantage in international competition.
Expirience, Independence And Integrity
The success of a supervisory board, advisory board or board of directors is demonstrated by a high level of expertise, independence and integrity. It is equally important that the members have different experiences and complement each other in their personality. Only through the varying strengths of the individual members can the required competence of the supervisory board, advisory board or board of directors be optimally covered. The advisory and monitoring function vis-à-vis the Executive Board can be fulfilled as best as possible.
Filling Of Supervisory Board Positions From Our Excelent Network
You benefit from our excellent network of competent personalities who already hold a mandate or are available for a future mandate. We will find the right mix of personalities for your supervisory board. Of course, we can meet all diversity requirements. Our consultants bring their many years of experience and industry-specific know-how with them and can thus guarantee excellent results when filling supervisory boards, advisory boards and boards of directors. We have a special experience in filling senior advisor positions.
Corporate Advisory
With our market and research expertise and broad sectoral experience, we support e.g. due diligence processes, buy and build strategies and market entry phases.
We see ourselves as a partner to our clients and we provide strategic support and advice over the long term.
We support you in the development of new regions and markets, actively support follow-up situations e.g. in owner-managed companies and operate in expanding business potential.
In our due diligence support, we support the early phase of transactions, assess management or act as the diplomatic link in challenging phases or setting the course.
Due Diligence Process Support
The successful purchase and sale of companies requires a comprehensive analysis of the basic economic data, assets and risks. A clear objective, which development should take place through a corresponding acquisition, must be given before the transaction process.
When accompanying the due diligence process, we therefore focus on the analysis of existing management capacities, with which the relevant questions are answered and the corresponding objectives are to be achieved. We individually check the track record and potential of the current structure and potential of the existing senior management team.
The related, transaction-relevant information then represents the necessary basis for evaluations, negotiation processes and financing options. Together with our customers, we define to what extent the goals can be achieved with the given management skills and at which points additions are necessary.
Buy-and-build process support
We accompany our customers beyond the concrete needs planning and see ourselves as a long-term partner in the context of the strategic support of our clients. With regard to successful value creation in particular, our customers benefit from a structural competitive analysis and an expansion of potential target companies, nationally and internationally, through our networks.
Successful operational implementation therefore requires senior management with a high level of strategic competence and a deep understanding of optimal adjustments to the organizational structures depending on the specific characteristics of the respective sector. Because in addition to the analysis of potential target companies, the selection of the right personnel for the portfolio companies is of central importance in order to secure long-term growth and sustainable turn-arounds.
We are available to shareholders as well as operational management as strategic consultants with a holistic approach and high sector competence.
Research Competence Center
Analytische sektorale Markttransparenz
In our multilingual, global RCC Research Competence Center, industry sector experts work with in-depth functional knowledge and international market expertise.
They understand key competencies and international markets in order to quickly identify the best candidates or to conduct adequate market analyzes.
We have long-term relationships based on trust with today’s proven experts and future leaders.

Our methodological competence enables us to obtain market information precisely and quickly.
The close cooperation of our team enables us to react dynamically to potential challenges.
Focused analyzes and innovative analog or digital search processes always allow us to anticipate, think, act and be one step ahead.
Executive Assessments
Executive Assessments
A person’s personality plays a decisive role in personnel selection and development. Personality traits not only determine how we behave in the workplace and towards our fellow human beings, but also provide information about the working environment and tasks in which our strengths lie and in which we can contribute profitably.
Based on the conviction that companies and leaders enter into a partnership that can only be fruitful and sustainable if it has a solid foundation, we carry out personality assessments of our candidates at the request of our clients.
Within the scope of our executive assessments, we evaluate the personality of the candidates according to their potentials, risks and values. This enables us to gain valuable insights and indications for their development and fit within the future working environment. This is based on various aptitude-diagnostic tools, based on psychological models used for decades (including the five-factor model) which exceed the usual standard in job-related aptitude assessment.
As a result of the Executive Assessment, companies receive a clear recommendation regarding the suitability of candidates for the open position and a concrete recommendation for further professional and personal development within their own organization.
Since one of the most important strategic resources of your company is the potential of your managers and employees, we also use our assessments to support our clients/clients in their personnel development. Identifying the right people in your company, continuously developing and promoting them is a decisive competitive advantage.
KI und Data Analytics
Company Development
Analytical support of companies (KPI structure with focus on finance and market share) as well as competitor benchmarks with the aim of documenting management development and anticipating the need for action. Especially the before/after evaluation enables multidimensional observations of achievements and personal results.
Individual And Industry Analyses
We develop and determine market feedback for our clients, beyond pure market research, by creating analytical studies. This includes: the identification of company and background structures as a basis for the evaluation of market situations and fields of application, salary and bonus analyses as well as functional, regional or sectoral market cross sections as a basis for budget confirmations or adjustments of our clients.
Dynamically Scalable Marketing Mappings
Focused feasibility studies of market participants and your HR strategy. Consolidation and evaluation of the potential level through functional and skill-based personal target limitations in our search and assessment fields. The result is faster market penetration and thus pole position in the battle for talent or experienced managers.
LEADINGPARTNERS Collaborations connects the entertainment and sports industry with companies and brands. We build a bridge between two worlds.
We stand for the development of individual strategies, cross-industry synergies and the intelligent networking of artists, athletes and brands.
We focus on holistic concepts for the development of cooperations. This creates a whole new level of interaction, emotional connection and strategic relevance. We create the access and have the experience to connect both worlds economically.